371 000 Young Gegharkuni and Summer Trout Let out into Lake Sevan

371 000 Young Gegharkuni and Summer Trout Let out into Lake Sevan


On November 27,  371 000 young Gegharkuni and summer trout was let out into Lake Sevan instead of 366 667 that was planned. 

"I call to everyone to refrain from fishing, not to disrupt fish natural breeding in the lake in order to reach the desired volumes of fish reserves and have a perspective of commercial hunting chance in the lake in the future", said RA Minister of Nature Protection Aramayis Grigoryan. 

Note: 60 million AMD is planned by state budget to provide for the activities in 2015 as follows restoration, protection, breeding, natural development and use of the ecosystems in Lake Sevan. But by 2016's project no funds are planned to provide for the replenishment of fish reserves.

November 27, 2015 at 18:14