Nature Protection Ministry Response Addressed to Teghout Support Group Open Letter

Nature Protection Ministry Response Addressed to Teghout Support Group Open Letter

Information and Public Relations Department of Nature Protection Ministry

In reply to the open letter addressed to Nature Protection Ministry by Teghout Support Group, the Ministry informs that the examination carried out by Lori Territorial Division of State Environmental Inspection of Nature Protection Ministry showed that because of drastic climate changes in Lore Region recently (precipitation and fast snow melting) the circulation water collected in the secondary basin hadn't been able to be pumped thoroughly on 5 and 6 February 2013, which resulted in non-continuous accident leakage into the Shnogh River. The Lori Territorial Division of State Environmental Inspection of Nature Protection Ministry has given relevant instruction to the company to take measures and to re-equip the pumping station with additional capacicities to exclude such cases in future. In its letter dated on 11.02.2016 the company assured it had already launched and taken proper works to regulate the problem, particularly an additional pump will be placed to exclude any leakage in future.

February 24, 2016 at 17:14