Alarm Signal: Over 600 Trees Felled Down in Arevik National Park

Alarm Signal: Over 600 Trees Felled Down in Arevik National Park


Over 600 trees have been felled down in the area of Arevik National Park, which is a part of Zangezour Biosphere complex. The cases of tree felling have been detected by the employees of Zangezour Biosphere complex, who concealed them and didn't inform about these cases either the police or Nature Protection and Soil Inspection Body, as a journalist, EcoMedia Network Founder Narine Kirakosyan told EcoLur. Under her, illegal tree felling was carried out in Litchq, Tashtoun, Vahravar and Tkhkout areas: mainly oak, hornbeams and maple trees have been felled down. 

February 06, 2018 at 16:34