Despite Alarm Signal on Tree Felling – Nature Protection Ministry Didn’t Detect Felled Trees in Saravan

Despite Alarm Signal on Tree Felling – Nature Protection Ministry Didn’t Detect Felled Trees in Saravan


No felled trees have been detected in the area adjacent to Saravan community, Vayots Dzor region, as Nature Protection Ministry told EcoLur.
Reminder: On 16 May EcoLur received an alarm signal that trees were felled down in the area adjacent to Saravan Village – on the bank of Darb River. The citizen noticed over 20 felled trees. “ArmForest” Chief Forestry Officer Ruben Petrosyan told EcoLur. “Our employees checked the alarm signal and found out that Saravan Village Head allotted the territory for the construction of a nursery for a mining company. We don’t know exactly which company it is and now they are dealing with cleaning the territory.”
In this regard, Saravan community Head Simon Babayan told EcoLur, “It’s misunderstanding, nothing like that happened. No tree felling. Last year trees got dry because of fire, and several branches were cut down for decorative purposes.” Under the village head, the idea to found a nursery was the result of mutual agreement. Under Simon Babayan, the nursery will create working places, while trees will serve in future for the greening of the community. The area for leasing makes up 1,200 ha. The company to found nursery is ‘Geoteam’ mining company, the subsidiary to Lydian International Limited Company, which is going to mine Amulsar gold mine.

May 27, 2014 at 15:32