Small Hydropower Developing in Nagorno Karabagh

Small Hydropower Developing in Nagorno Karabagh


Small hydropwer is developing in the Republic of Nagorno Karabagh. On 23 Feburary the Armenian Government granted a privilege to 'VISAVT' LLC prolonging the term of payment of the value added tax for the equipment of the hydroenergycasade to be constructed in the Republic of Nagorno Karabagh. The small hydrocascade with 1.2 MW capacity will be constructed in the upper reach of the Tartar River in Shahumyan Region, Republic of Nagorno Karabagh, using the potential of the local rivers. The company intends to invest a total of around 4.6 billion investments, but the value of equipment only will make up around 1 billion AMD.

Photo is taken from web site.

The material was developed in the frames of “Supporting new reforms in SHPP sector through CSO-government dialogue” supported by UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme".

February 24, 2017 at 17:12