SHPPs on Pambak River (2014)

Pambak river

Risk Level: 2

Parameter Data Level
Sruface discharge volume in river section %, water 24.1453 2

Disastrous Condition
Critical Condition
Normal Condition

Pambak River in Critical Situation


The Pambak River is the main tributary to the Debed River and its upper reach. The source of the river is the spring on the eastern slope of Jajur, which is located on the junction of Shirak and Pambak mountain ranges. The length of the river is 86 km, the catchment area is 1370 sq. km. Its largest tributary is the Getik (Tchitchkhan), which flows in a distance of 52 km from the mouth.

As of 1 January 2014, under the licenses issued by Public Services Regulatory Committee and the main indicators of small hydro power plants operated by hydropower companies, the following SHPPs are constructed on this river:

  1. “Arjut-2” SHPP operated by “Ler&Jur” LLC, derivation length – 1880 meters,
  2. “Spitak HPP-1” SHPP operated by “Eliza Farm” CJSC, derivation length – 2685  meters,
  3. “Vahagni” SHPP operated by “Apahov Taniq” CJSC, derivation length – 6200 meters constructed on Novoseltsovo-Vanadzor canal (Pambak River).

The SHPPs pipe a total river area of 20765 meters, which makes up 24.145349% of the river.

Under EcoLur’s Ecological Risk Model, this indicator is critical for the river.

 Risk Analysis