During the visit to the Czech Republic in May 2022, the Armenian specialists got acquainted with the measures for the protection and organization of tourism of Mikulov Holy Hill in Pálava Protected Landscape Area.
The visit was organized within the framework of EU "Strengthened protection and sustainable use of biodiversity in
Pálava Protected Landscape Area is a biosphere reserve and is included in the UNESCO list of specially protected natural areas.
Here, the Armenian specialists met with the administration of Pálava Protected Landscape Area, talked about the features of the management of this specially protected nature area, the duties and skills of the employees.
Next, they hiked up Mikulov Holy Hill. The path to the mountain passes through Pálava Protected Landscape Area. Pálava Protected Landscape Area employees presented them with their experience in tourism development and nature protection.
They showed the tourist counting laser scanner mounted in a wooden log.
On the same day, the Armenian specialists went to the area of artificial lakes in Pálava, which is included in the network of "Natura 2000" protected areas and is part of important ornithological areas. Bird watching platforms are available here for tourists, where both tourists and experts conduct bird watching.
Ornithologist Vlastimil Seifert, referring to the area and the protection of birds, said: “We are watching here the waterfowl. The goal is to understand what waterfowl nest here, how many there are. There are species that have become extinct, the reasons are different. Intensive fish farming was the most important. the fish ate the bird food. Ponds are leased for fish farming, but there are limits on the number of fish that can be bred in them. The lease has been tightened due to conservation area status.”
Vlastimil Seifert informed that no one except him has the right to photograph the birds in the area of the lakes. According to the ornithologist, their main violations are taking pictures without permission.
July 28, 2022 at 18:23