How is climate change affecting the most vulnerable communities? Are they ready to accept and implement the programs and strategies adopted at the legislative and governmental level? What is the principle of climate justice for the community, how to implement it? How to overcome energy poverty and reach the level of sustainable development? And finally, what resources does the community have to implement climate and energy strategies and programs while protecting its interests. The press conference at EcoLur Press Club (49/2 Hanrapetutyan str., opposite the Europe Hotel, entrance from the yard) will be held on September 8 at 13:00 to discuss the problems and ways to solve them.
Within the framework of the program, packages of documents were prepared for 4 extended communities: Talin in Aragatsotn Region, Dilijan in Tavush Region, Yeghegis in Vayots Dzor Region and Pambak in Lori Region.
Description and analysis of the situation in the communities in the climate and energy spheres were discussed in the communities during meetings with representatives of the administration, activists, and residents. During the press conference, the identified primary problems and ways to overcome them will be presented by speakers Inga Zarafyan and Victoria Burnazyan, EcoLur Informational NGO, and local experts working in the impact communities, Ruzan Ghazaryan in Yeghegis , "Work and Homeland" NGO, Albert Haroyan in Dilijan, “Ecopolicy” Environmental Center for Secure and Developed Community” NGO, Narek Tutkhalyan in Talin, "Community and Youth" Youth NGO, Oleg Dulgaryan in Pambak, "Center for Community Mobilization and Assistance" NGO.
The press conference will be held live, during which it will also be possible to ask questions to the participants.
Zoom link:
September 07, 2023 at 14:05