Armen Grigoryan, Head of Stepanavan Community, presented the energy achievements of the Stepanavan community in Lori Region, Armenia, a member of "Covenant of Mayors" initiative of the European Union, at the conference "10th Anniversary of Covenant of Mayors in Eastern Partnership Region" held in Tbilisi.
He mentioned that the energy-efficient re-equipment of residential buildings in Armenia was included in RA state subsidy programs for 2020 as a result of the negotiations between the United Nations Development Program and RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructure.
Within the framework of this process, thermal modernization of 6 residential and 2 public buildings was carried out in Stepanavan with the co-financing of the United Nations Development Program and the Green Climate Fund (UNDP-GCF).
Due to the thermal modernization of multi-apartment buildings, an increase in energy efficiency of up to 50% was ensured, as well as a decrease in heating costs, and the market value of the apartments increased by 10-15%. As a result of thermal modernization of 6 residential buildings, greenhouse gas emissions are reduced by 600 tons per year.
A community savings fund has been created, where the funds will be generated from energy savings in public buildings.
During the conference, Stepanavan community was awarded by "Covenant of Mayors East" program for active cooperation and effective work.
Stepanavan is the first community in Armenia that has an energy manager. "The energy manager monitors and sets priorities. Thermal modernization of buildings is a priority for us," Armen Grigoryan told in his interview with the reporters.
December 07, 2022 at 15:37