EcoLur team held a meeting with active residents and representatives of the community administration in Talin community, Aragatsotn Region. The purpose of the meeting was to promote the full involvement of the community and the protection of its interests in the decision-making process in the climate and energy spheres, to develop recommendations for the community's climate change adaptation, "green" energy and "green" job creation, and sustainable development of the community.
EcoLur experts presented "Problems and measures of implementation of "green" energy and climate resistance policy in Talin community, Aragatsotn Region, Armenia" information module. The document analyzed the issues of land resources, renewable energy development trends, green areas, soil utilization, garbage collection. The possibilities of the municipal budget, subsidy and development programs were studied. Recommendations for the settlement of problems of localization of climate and "green" energy policies in Talin community are presented.
Climate Challenges
Talin community is vulnerable to climate change. Soil degradation and erosion are characteristic of Talin. The forest fund lands are 1082.09 hectares, which is about 1 percent of the total area ofthe municipality. The amount of precipitation in Talin is less than the standard of Armenia by about 60%.
Energy instead of Agriculture
As a result of RA state policy, Talin community has become the center of development of solar energy in Armenia. Armenia's largest 200 MW solar photovoltaic plant "Aig-1" is being built here. 6 industrial solar photovoltaic plants are in operation, 7 more are under construction.
It should be noted that the 377.4 hectares of land donated from Dashtadem settlement by RA Government's Decree 1777 of October 28, 2021 https://www.e-gov.am/gov-decrees/item/37171/ cadastral approximate market value of AMD 822 million 84 thousand 793 were invested in the authorized capital of ANIF.
Within the framework of "Aig-1" project, "Masdar" company made a community development payment in the amount of 320 million AMD with the donation contract signed with Dashtadem and Talin communities. Another 700 million AMD will be allocated to the community from the state budget, that is, at the expense of RA taxpayers, including the residents of Talin community.
According to Narek Tutchalyan, President of "Community and Youth" local NGO, the social support received in exchange for the land donated by the community is not adequate. "The value of that land is higher, it is not fair. Residents of the community should demand that such decisions be made as a result of discussion with the residents."
EcoLur Deputy President Victoria Burnazyan noted that, in addition to one-time social support, Masdar Armenia company together with ANIF can provide technical and human resources within the framework of corporate social responsibility and support the involvement of international investors to strengthen the community's capabilities in the development of climate adaptation and mitigation programs and in their implementation.
It should be noted that Talin has initiated the process of joining the EU Covenant of Mayors, which will give the community the opportunity to receive expert support to strengthen capacities and develop strategies in the fields of climate and "green" energy. It was emphasized that the wise use of land resources is very important for the socio-economic sustainable development of the community.
During this meeting, EcoLur experts proposed to require companies to submit a road map on e-waste management specifying the persons in charnge, necessary amounts, deadlines and mid-term actions in case of risks.
EcoLur experts assessed the development possibilities of Talin community. In order to reduce energy poverty, the community can build its own community solar plant, promote the introduction of autonomous solar plants and water heaters. The potential of solar energy development in the community can be used to establish a center for the development and implementation of modern solar technologies. The development of climate-resistant agriculture is also an opportunity. There are also favorable conditions for the development of tourism.
"EcoLur" Informational NGO’s module entitled "Problems and measures of implementation of "green" energy and climate resilience policy in Talin community, Aragatsotn Region, Armenia" was developed with the funding of "EU4Climate" regional program with the support of the UNDP/GEF "Impacted communities and civil society organizations as participants in the introduction of socio-ecological culture in the energy and climate change policies of Armenia" Small Grants Programme.
July 27, 2023 at 15:52