Whether Amulsar Project To Undergo Expert Assessment Once Again?

Whether Amulsar Project To Undergo Expert Assessment Once Again?


Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan convened a consultative meeting on issues related to Amulsar mine. Members of the Armenian government, heads of relevant government agencies, members of Jermuk City Council, inhabitants of Goraik, Zaritap communities, representatives of educational, health institutions and ecologists participated in the discussion. In this regard, the official website of the Prime Minister says, “The Head of Government introduced the activities carried out in connection with the criminal proceedings launched against the Amulsar mining project, and referred to the findings and analyses of the international expertise group.
The Premier noted that earlier today he had held a consultation with representatives of government agencies to discuss details of the Amoulsar mining project. The transcript of the meeting will be published during the day.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Pashinyan answered a number of questions from meeting participants.

Environmental Lawyer Nazeli Vardanyan, who participated in the discussion, told EcoLur in particular that during the meeting the Prime Minister stated that they had no legal grounda to prevent the Amulsar mine from operating. According to Nazeli Vardanyan, Nikol Pashinyan said there will be a new examination. “There is a possibility of new expertise in our legislation.  But this is not to be decided by the government or us: it is the right of the company to apply or not to apply for a new expertise,” said Nazeli Vardanyan.

August 19, 2019 at 17:25