Public is Annoyed with Positive Conclusion on Amulsar Gold Project Given by "Environmental Expertise" SNCO, press conference at "EcoLur" press club

Public is Annoyed with Positive Conclusion on Amulsar Gold Project Given by "Environmental Expertise" SNCO, press conference at "EcoLur" press club


"Environmental Expertise" SNCO gave a positive conclusion on Amulsar gold opencast exploitation and cyanide plant construction project. 

  • What do the 6 requirements of Amulsar project realizers mentioned in the conclusion mean?
  • What will Gndevaz villagers do who are against cyanide plant construction in their community?
  •  Under what conditions and pressure was the whole process of expertise conducted?

The guests at "EcoLur" press club, a resident of Gndevaz village, journalist Tehmine Yenokyan, member of Teghout Protection Civil Initiative Artur Grigoryan, member of Pan-Armenian Environmental Front Levon Galstyan, President of 'EcoLur" Informational NGO Inga Zarafyan will speak on the following and other issues. The press conference will take place at 12 o'clock on December 2, 2014 at "EcoLur" press club (Hanrapetuyun 49, the building opposite hotel "Europe", the entrance from the yard, first floor, penultimate door). 

December 01, 2014 at 15:24

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