Ardvi Village Residents Don't Give Their Agreement to Shekaghbyur Project Implementation

Ardvi Village Residents Don't Give Their Agreement to Shekaghbyur Project Implementation

'Ardvi-Lori' initiative group

Ardvi villagers are extremely concerned with the gold-polymetallic project submitted by 'Miram' Company, the second public hearings of which are appointed at 12:00 on 1 December in Mghart. Though under the new project, the mining should be carried out in the area of Mghart Village, the project immediate impact area is Ardvi Village.

First of all, the nearest community to Shekaghbyur mining project is Ardvi, which is even closed that Mghart and is located in only 2 km far from the mine and is on the side of Ardvi Village, about which the project doesn't say anything, while Mghart is located in a distance of 3.2 km far from Mghart. The area located the drinking and irrigation water springs for Ardvi Village. As a result of mining, the water, soil, air and pastures will be polluted with heavy metals and toxic elements. It will become non-expedient to deal with agriculture and earn living in the community. Our rights to living in a healthy environment and our right to health will be violated, which are fundamental human rights.

We are declaring that Ardvi villagers don't give their agreement to the implementation of this project and Ardvi shall remain an ecologically clean village.

November 17, 2017 at 16:29