Liquid from Unknown Source Flowing into Shnogh River from Teghout Mine: Inspection Following Alarm Signal

Liquid from Unknown Source Flowing into Shnogh River from Teghout Mine: Inspection Following Alarm Signal


Liquid from an unknown source is flowing from the area of Teghout copper and molybdenum mine into the Manstev tributary of the Shnogh River: Armenian Environmental Front is beating an alarm signal. The AEF has posted on Facebook two videos confirming this fact which were shot on 7 February 2019.

The alarm signal says, ‘We are asking the competent state bodies to find out what it is: coordinates - 41°06'03"N 44°51'37"E.’ Environmental and Mining Inspection Body is aware of this alarm signal and promises to check everything as soon as possible.

‘First of all, we will try to find out the validity of the alarm signal whether it is connected with Teghout or there is another reason. We will examine the video and if there is a violation, we will try to find out all the details connected with this case,’ Inspection Body Head Assistant Vruyr Pepanyan said.

February 08, 2019 at 13:50