Whether Teghout Mine To Be Re-operated?

Whether Teghout Mine To Be Re-operated?


A new arrangement has been reached on the re-operation of Teghout mine between the Russian VTB bank, 'Russian Copper Smelting Company' and the Armenian Government. Russian businessman of Armenian origin Norayr Petrosyan Norayr Petrosyan has undertaken the commitment to re-open the mine, as the Azatutyun radio station informs.

Under this source, businessman Norayr Petrosyan and Acting Assistant to Armenian PM Aren Mkrtchyan had a meeting with unemployed workers of Teghout mine in Alaverdi Town on 26 November. Norayr Petrosyan assured the workers that soon they will receive notifications of getting back to work.

For our part, it should be mentioned that neither the VTB Bank nor 'Russian Copper Smelting Company' made any official statement about Teghout mine. Moreover, there no mention of Teghout on the official website of 'Russian Copper Smelting Company'. The company assets comprise 10 enterprises, which operate in Russia and Kazakhstan. The founder and the main owner of the company is Igor Altushkin.

Under Acting Assistant to Armenian PM Aren Mkrtchyan, the company had carried out examinations for a long time, made economic calculations and decided that the mine can be re-operated. Norayr Petrosyan outlined that they are ready to re-open the mine in any case according to the arrangements they have with the government.

The Azatutyun radio station mentions that Lori residents are concerned this is just an election campaign.

Acting Assistant to Armenian PM Aren Mkrtchyan assured that arrangements are clear, while the news about election campaign are fake.

Photo: Vallex Group

November 27, 2018 at 12:51