Getahovit Residents Changed Their Opinions by 180 Degree Within One Year

Getahovit Residents Changed Their Opinions by 180 Degree Within One Year


“Megaenergy” LLC is planning to construct “Khachaghbyur-2” SHPP in Getahovit community, Tavush Region. The SHPP is being constructed on the Paghjur River, which is the left tributary to the Aghstev River.

In 2014 EcoLur’s journalists held a sociological survey in the community to find out the impact of the SHPP on the community.

Unlike 2013, when 100 Getahovit residents voted against the SHPP construction at the public hearings, currently all surveyed supported it. Meanwhile none of them is sure that the SHPP won’t affect on their water supply. Eight people think, if the SHPP doesn’t operate in the irrigation season, it won’t affect on agroproduct.

In reply to the question whether they noticed reduction in fish reserves, six people said “no”, two people noted the river already doesn’t have any fish in. Five people out of the surveyed think if the company works reasonably, their quality life will change for the better, as the company promised the villagers to create working places, to solve the problem of lighting and to provide aid. In reply to the question whether the SHPP will affect on the emigration, the villagers said, “If we have work, people won’t leave this place.”

This material  was made possible through the full support of Open Society Foundations – Armenia’s Policy Fellowship Program Initiative, grant number 18571. Ideas, thoughts, and arguments presented in the paper are the sole expression of the author’s views and do not reflect those of Open Society Assistance Foundations – Armenia.

April 24, 2014 at 17:18