RA “Forest Code”
RA “Land Code”
RA “Water Code”
RA Code on Mineral Resources
RA Law on Flora
RA Law on Fauna
RA Law on Atmospheric Air Protection
RA Law on Specially Protected Natural Areas
RA Law on Hydro-Meteorological Activity
RA Law on Environmental Impact Expert Assessment
RA Law on Lake Sevan
RA Law on Annual and Complex Programs of Lake Sevan Ecosystem Restoration, Conservation, Reproduction and Use
RA Law on Hunting and Hunting Farms
RA Law on Nature Protection and Nature Utilization Payments
RA Law on Rates of Environmental Charges
RA Law on Purposeful Use of Environmental Charges Payed by Companies
RA Law on Phytosanitary
RA Law on Environmental Education
RA Law on Seismic Protection
RA Law on Protection of Selection Achievements
RA Law on Wastes
RA Law on Nature Protection Control
RA Law on Compensation Payments for Damages to Flora and Fauna Due to Environmental Offences
RA Law on Substances Depleting Ozone Layer
RA Law on Safe Utilization of Atomic Energy for Peaceful Purposes
RA Law on Television and Radio Broadcasting
RA Law on Mass Media
RA Law on Freedom of Information