SHPPs on Her-Her River (2013)

Her-Her River

Risk Level: 1

Parameter Data Level
Sruface discharge volume in river section %, water 12.6214 1

Disastrous Condition
Critical Condition
Normal Condition

Over 12% from Her-Her River Piped



Her-Her River flows in Vayots Dzor Region. It’s the right tributary to the Arpa River: it starts from the north-east slopes of Teqsar mountain range at a height of 3040 meters. Its length is 28 km, the catchment area is 147 sq. km. As of 1 October 2013, under the licenses issued by Public Services Regulatory Committee, “Her-Her” SHPP is constructed on this river, which is operated by “Firma G.A.KH.”, the derivation length of which is 1423 meters, “VG and Sons” LLC constructed “Her-Her-1” SHPP, the derivation length of which is 2111 meters. These SHPPs pipe a total river area of 3534 meters, which makes up 12,621429% of the river.

Under EcoLur’s Ecological Risk Model, this indicator is within the standards.

Photo by "Trchkan" civil initiative

Waterfall Dried out Because of Small HPP

Risk Analysis