Aghstev River Basin (2012)
Aghstev River Basin
Risk Level: 2
Parameter | Data | Level |
AL, mkg/l water | 228 | 2 |
V, mkg/l water | 23 | 1 |
Cr, mkg/l water | 170 | 2 |
Mn, mkg/l water | 120 | 1 |
Cu, mkg/l water | 63 | 2 |
Se, mkg/l water | 17 | 1 |
Disastrous Condition | Critical Condition | Normal Condition |
Aluminum, Chromium and Copper Caused Critical Condition in Aghstev River Basin
Aluminum, chromium and copper caused critical condition in Aghstev river basin. Under the annual report by “Environmental Impact Monitoring Center” SNCO for 2012, the average annual concentration of aluminum exceeded the MPC up to 5.7 times, vanadium – 2.3, chromium – 3.4, manganese – 2.4, copper – 6.3 and selenium - 1.7 times. Thus, the average annual concentration of aluminum in the river made up 228 μg/l, vanadium – 23, chromium – 170, manganese – 120, copper – 63 and selenium - 17 μg/l.
The critical condition of Aghstev River has been detected with EcoLur’s Ecological Risk Model.
Content of Landfill Site in Dilijan Dumped into Aghstev River (Photos)
Aghstev River contamination seriously damages Armenia’s image