Debed River Basin (2012)

Debed River Basin

Risk Level: 3

Parameter Data Level
AL, mkg/l water 320 2
V, mkg/l water 66 2
Cr, mkg/l water 230 2
Mn, mkg/l water 280 2
Cu, mkg/l water 152 3
Zn, mkg/l water 380 2
NO2, mgN/l water 0.026 1

Disastrous Condition
Critical Condition
Normal Condition

Debed River Basin in Disastrous Condition


The Debed River basin is in disastrous condition: it’s polluted with heavy metals and toxic elements. Under the annual report by “Environmental Impact Monitoring Center” SNCO for 2012, the average annual concentration of aluminum in the Debed River basin exceeded MPC up to 8.0 times, vanadium – 6.6, chromium – 4.6, manganese – 5.6, copper – 15.2, zinc – 7.6, nitrite ion – 2.6 times. Thus, the concentration of aluminum in the Debed River basin made up 320 μg/l, vanadium – 66, chromium – 230, manganese – 280, copper – 152, zinc - 380 μg/l, and nitrite ion - 0.026 mgN/l.

Under EcoLur’s Ecological Risk Model, the disastrous condition of the Debed River basin is conditioned with the high concentration of copper in the river.

Risk Analysis