Kapan city (2011)


Risk Level: 3

Parameter Data Level
Cu, mkg/l water 1280 3
AL, mkg/l water 560 2
Se, mkg/l water 40 2
Mn, mkg/l water 785 3
Zn, mkg/l water 630 3
V, mkg/l water 20 1

Disastrous Condition
Critical Condition
Normal Condition

Voghji River - Water Pulse of Kapan Town in Disastrous Condition in 2011


The Voghji River, the water pulse of Kapan Town, was in disastrous condition in 2011. Under the annual report by “Environmental Impact Monitoring Center” SNCO for 2012, the average annual concentration of selenium exceeded MPC in the sections of the Voghji River downwards Kapan Town by 4.0 times, copper – 128, manganese – 15.7, zinc – 12.6, vanadium – 2.0. The average annual concentration of aluminum upwards Kapan Town exceeded MPC by 14.0 times.

Thus, the concentration of copper in the river water made up 1280 μg/l, aluminum - 560 μg/l, selenium - 40 μg/l, manganese - 785 μg/l, zinc – 630 μg/l, vanadium - 20 μg/l. Under EcoLur’s Ecological Risk Model, the disastrous condition of the Voghji River is conditioned with the excessive concentrations of copper, manganese and zinc in the river water.

Risk Analysis