SHPP on Dali River (2014)

Daliget River

Risk Level: 1

Parameter Data Level
Sruface discharge volume in river section %, water 8.446 1

Disastrous Condition
Critical Condition
Normal Condition

SHPP Constructed on Dali River Piped 8% River


The Dali River flows in Syunik Region, it’s one of Vorotan tributaries. It rises from the south-west slope of Syunik high land. Its length is 26 km, the catchment basin is 136 km. Its water is used for irrigation purposes.

As of 1 January 2014, under the licenses issued by Public Services Regulatory Committee and the main indicators of small hydro power plants operated by hydropower companies, “Sisakan-1” SHPP is constructed on this river, which is operated by “Loraget HPP” LLC, derivation length – 2196 meters.

The SHPP pipes a total river area of 2196 meters, which makes up 8.45 % of the river.

Under EcoLur’s Ecological Risk Model, this indicator is within standards.

Risk Analysis