SHPP on Vardenis River (2014)

Vardenis River

Risk Level: 1

Parameter Data Level
Sruface discharge volume in river section %, water 13.3571 1

Disastrous Condition
Critical Condition
Normal Condition

Vardenis River Flowing into Lake Sevan Pipes by 13%


Vardenis River flows in Gegharkounik Region, it rises the northern slopes of Vardenis mountains and flows into Lake Sevan 3 km north from Vardenis Village. Its length is 28 km.

As of 1 January 2014, under the licenses issued by Public Services Regulatory Committee and the main indicators of small hydro power plants operated by hydropower companies, “Vardenik” SHPP is constructed on this river, which is operated by “Jrasahq” LLC, derivation length – 3740 meters.

The river is piped in area of 3740 meters, which makes up 13.357143% of the river.

Under EcoLur’s Ecological Risk Model, this indicator is considered to be normal for the river.

Government Considers Non-Extension of SHPP Licenses of Rivers Flowing into Lake Sevan Inadmissible

Risk Analysis