Tashir River above Mikhayelovka village (2012)

Tashir River above Mikhayelovka village

Risk Level: 2

Parameter Data Level
NH4, mgN/l water 0.22 1
Fe, mg/l water 0.525 2

Disastrous Condition
Critical Condition
Normal Condition

Excessive Iron Concentration Caused Critical Situation for Tashir River


The condition of Tashir River up Mikhayelovka Village is critical. Under the annual report by “Environmental Impact Monitoring Center” SNCO for 2012, the average annual concentration of ammonium ion exceeded MPC by 1.2 times, that of iron – 2.1 times. In this section of the river the ion concentration made up 0.22mgN/l, iron – 0.525 mcg/l.

Under EcoLur’s Ecological Risk Model, such concentration of iron is critical for Tashir River.

Risk Analysis