Environment Ministry Developing Water Use Permit Draft for Amulsar Mining

Environment Ministry Developing Water Use Permit Draft for Amulsar Mining

Department of Licenses, Permits and Agreements of RA Environment Ministry is developing a draft water use permit for the development of Amulsar gold-bearing quartzite mine. Lydian Armenia expects to receive a 41.3 l/s water intake permit for industrial purposes from the Arpa River.

The company has twice before applied for a larger volume of water (more than 40 l/s) required for long-term operation from the Arpa River, and in both cases received a rejection from the Ministry. In October 2019, the company was rejected to receive the necessary amount of water intake from the Darb River for long-term operation. "Lydian Armenia" has disputed that rejection of the ministry in RA Administrative Court. The trial in this case is still ongoing. The day of the court session is March 31, 2021.

March 04, 2021 at 17:51