TAI's Observations on Ecolur's Recommendations in Energy and Climate Change Policies

TAI's Observations on Ecolur's Recommendations in Energy and Climate Change Policies

“EcoLur” Informational NGO has developed legislative and institutional recommendations on the introduction of a culture of socially and environmentally responsible practices into policies in the energy and climate change sectors. 

The document was developed within the framework of “Affected Communities and Civil Society Organizations as Participants in the Implementation of Socio-Ecological Culture in Armenia's Energy and Climate Change Policy” project with the support of the UNDP/GEF Small Grants Program and EU4Climate Regional Program.

Studies conducted by EcoLur in 2023-2024 have shown that the policies of climate change and energy sectors implemented in Armenia are not sufficient in localized communities that are the direct bearers of these policies.

In order to settle the problems, 15 proposals for legislative and sub-legislative amendments were developed, which were sent to the Armenian government and relevant departments.

RA Ministry of Territorial Administration and Infrastructures submitted its observations to EcoLur. 

EcoLur proposed to define the term “Energy Poverty” in “RA Law on Energy Saving and Renewable Energy”, to provide for requirements for overcoming energy poverty and their legal regulation mechanisms, to provide state incentive mechanisms for the construction and operation of community power plants using renewable energy resources, to establish provisions for business accountability to the community affected by the use of solar energy. regarding. As the TAI informed, the basis for the development of Law on Electricity was the directives established by Comprehensive and Extended Partnership Agreement signed between the Republic of Armenia, on the one hand, and the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community and their member states, on the other hand, where regulations on energy poverty are not tabled.

The draft envisages regulations related to the protection of vulnerable consumers, which define additional support mechanisms and guarantees for the access to energy and the reduction of costs aimed at it within the framework of the mentioned consumers.

The draft Law “On Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency” envisages regulations on providing support in the field of renewable energy, which enable competent authorities to provide, as necessary, support to communities to promote the use of energy from renewable sources.

January 15, 2025 at 13:32