The election campaign of the snap elections to the National Assembly was launched on 9 December 2018 with the participation of 11 political forces.
The Republican Party of Armenia under № 1 doesn't have 'Environmental Conservation' component in its election program.
The 'Environment' section of the election program of 'Citizen’s Decision' social democratic party says:
We attach importance to the following measures:
· to exclude issuing new permits for the development of metallic mines,
· to increase environmental fees, recultivation payments and emission payments stage by stage. To run a harsh and adequate policy in terms of environmental pollution.
· To fundamentally reform EIA expert assessment system for the purpose of running a scientifically and comprehensively examined, argumented and proved policy,
· To run a harsh rehabilitation policy towards Ararat artesian valley and in cooperation with business entities to reduce the water expenses of deep wells for fish farming by at least 65%.
· To make the management of Lake Sevan compliant with the environmental standards prioritizing the ecological state of the lake,
· To develop a forest monitoring system. To involve near-forest community population as a direct stakeholder of the economic benefit received from forest preservation. To boost the development of eco-business with state capital investments.
· To fundamentally reform waste, especially solid household waste management legislation.
· To establish biospheres based on the specifically protected areas of nature, which are important destinations in tourism in the current world.
The Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) under № 3 writes in its election program: '...The ARF is sure that the state policy shall tend to exclude the overexploitation of natural resources, reducing the adverse impact on the environment, including that on the human life and health, complex management of natural resources and fair distribution of received incomes among all members of the society.'
The election program of 'My Step' parties under № 4 says:
'8. Energetic sector
· Ensuring continuous expansion of renewable energetic systems,
· We will develop a water resource management strategy and will implement the following target projects in environmental protection.
· Environmental and nature management fees will be directed to such innovative initiatives in environmental protection such as projects of socio-economic significance in the impacted community attaching importance to the increase in working places in impacted and adjacent communities.
· 'Debt vs. environment' system will be operated, as a result a part of the funds meant to pay off the external debt, will be directed to environmental projects – effective management and recovery of flora, fauna or water resources.
· A complex strategy and action plan of garbage management in the country will be developed.
· One of the priorities of the government is the introduction of a supereffective system of water resource management.
· Preservation of Lake Sevan level, decrease in pollution and its further increase will be focused by the government.
· In soil management sector, we will be guided by the reasonable use of natural resources, increase in transparency and accountability in the sector, receiving VAT from soil management and with the principles of sustainable development,
· A single monitoring and supervision systems of permits and licenses will be introduced.
· Application of contemporary mechanisms for the management of mining wastes and reclaiming of developed mines will be ensured.
· Our policy will be aimed at the promotion of the development of processing mining.
According to the election program of 'Bright Armenia' under № 5, 'Overexploitation of natural resources must be excluded, reducing the adverse impact on the environment, including that on the human life and health, complex management of natural resources and supervision over them. We value the development of environmental education and upbringing, conservation of atmospheric air, conservation of biodiversity, prevention of illegal felling of forests, waste management, the introduction of innovative economic and financial mechanisms in the environmental conservation.'
November 28, 2018 at 19:55