Environment Ministry Rejected Water Use Permit Application for Construction of "Loriberd 1" and "Loriberd 2" SHPPs

Environment Ministry Rejected Water Use Permit Application for Construction of


RA Ministry of Environment has rejected the application for water use permit submitted by “Lorva Amrots” Company for the construction of “Loriberd 1” and “Loriberd 2” SHPPs on the Dzoraget River, as Acting Secretary General of Ministry of Environment Vahe Jilavyan informed EcoLur in writing.

“In response to your letter dated on February 11, 2020, I am informing that Environment Minister’s decree N74-A dated on of March 3, 2020 rejects to issue water use permits for the construction of “Loriberd 1” and “Loriberd 2” SHPPs on the Dzoraget River in the administrative district of Lori Reegion." Vahe Jilavyan's letter says.

It should be mentioned that EcoLur sent a letter to Environment Ministry suggesting to reject to issue water use permits for the construction of “Loriberd 1” and “Loriberd 2” SHPPs.

March 11, 2020 at 22:35