"Amulsar without Mine" initiative made a statement on the Facebook social network, in which it is said:
We want to remind everyone that the mine was closer to opening in 2017-2018 and the government was not the one to stop it, this is false and a misconception. The mine didn't work because for years people had voluntarily blocked the roads to the mountain, and the newly elected government kept pushing for the roads to be opened. There's nothing stopping us from doing the same if it comes down to it.
We consider Amulsar as a national and all-human local environmental issue, the struggle of which can include not only one but many parties, public and commercial organizations, but never deviate and serve this struggle to those with other political goals.
The initiative "Amulsar without Mine" announces that the struggle of the mountain is entering a new phase, where everything will be more violent and calculated. When the intelligence of the rulers in post-war Armenia is clearly not enough to lead the country on the right path, we must be more vigilant and demanding."
February 25, 2023 at 19:37