During the Soviet years, it was decided to close Gladzor polymetallic mine after its study, because if it were to be operated, the population in the area with a radius of 30 km would have to be evacuated, as the residents of Yeghegnadzor community, who heard about it from their fathers and grandfathers, told about this in their interview with Ecolur.
Today, the issue of the possible operation of Gladzor (Ghazma/Teqsar) polymetallic mine is again back on the agenda. For about 10 years, the same people wanted to explore and develop the mine by companies with different names: "Assat", "Vayq Resource", "Vayq Metal", "Metal Gold". Before the community consolidation, Vernashen and Gladzor villages, considered to be affected by the mine, rejected any action related to this mine. After the community consolidation, Vernashen and Gladzor villages were included in Yeghegnadzor community. Now Yeghegnadzor is the affected community. The community residents are against the operation of the mine, because they believe that the risks of the operation of the mine are unmanageable.
"Since 2014, they have constantly claimed for Gladzor mine, and they have always been rejected during public hearings. In the spring of 2024, an alarm signal was received that they want to raise the issue of Gladzor polymetallic mining again," Gegham Margaryan, Head of Department of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Vayots Dzor Regional Municipality said. "Metal Gold" LLC has brought the issue of mine operation to the agenda.
Gegham Margaryan
"For the first time, the mountain was explored by French geologists in 1910-1914, the second time in 1924-35, the third largest one - in 1950-1967. According to the map of uranium deposits, the mountain is located on the uranium ridge of Vedi Vayq. It is a very big risk. After the studies, it was decided to close the mine, because if it were exploited, the population within a radius of 30 km would have to be evacuated," Vernashen resident engineer-mechanic Hayk Isakhanyan, Director of "Izoton" LLC, outlined.
Hayk Isakhanyan
In order to prevent mining, "Against Study, Extraction and Operation of Gladzor Mine" initiative group was established in Yeghegnadzor community. Group leader Harutyun Gevorgyan says: "We are against it and have been fighting with the miners for years to prevent them from operating that mine, which contains untold risks."
Harutyun Gevorgyan
The subsoil manager keeps silent about radiation risks and there is no mention of possible evacuation, instead he promises jobs, social support, and economic growth. However, people are not interested in these promises. Yeghegnadzor sees its future in the development of agriculture, tourism, winemaking, cheesemaking, and beekeeping. The priority for such development is a clean environment and clean water, whereas having a clean environment and clean drinking and irrigation water are incompatible with a mine.
Teqsar and its adjacent mountain range are the catchment area of Arpa and Yeghegis Rivers. Many settlements are fed from that water basin.
"Five rivers feed from this mountain - the two rivers of Vernashen, the river in Malishka, the Gndadzor river, which reaches Herher reservoir, and another river flows from behind the mountain into the Yeghegis gorge," Hayk Isakhanyan outlined. He expresses concern that the waters polluted as a result of mining operations may flow into the Arpa-Sevan tunnel and pollute Lake Sevan.
"100 meters below the mine are our cold drinking springs. If they touch the mine, they will damage those springs: 60-70 percent of our village's drinking water supply comes from that area. Our water line is 40 km long from the village to that source. We don't have water in a closer place, it is impossible for them to settle the water issue, there is no alternative to those sources," Mikayel Baghdasaryan notes.
Mikayel Baghdasaryan
Vernashen river
The locals show EcoLur’s filming crew the mine pit that, when they opened it in the Soviet years, water began to flow from there, instead the flow of the Vernashen river was reduced.
Today, there is an intention to accumulate the waters flowing from Teqsar in Korek Valley for the development of agriculture. This valley is favorable for the construction of the reservoir due to its geographical location. According to the program of the Armenian government for 2021-2026, it is planned to build 15 reservoirs, out of which one is in Korek Valley.
Vernashen is famous for its special types of grapes, from which high-quality wine is obtained.
The locals are engaged in gathering, animal husbandry, and beekeeping in the territory of Teqsar, which is rich in plant and animal species. For many families, the only source of income is the mountain with its goodies.
Hayk Isakhanyan also notes that the Yeghegnadzor state reserve was established in 1971 to protect the flora and fauna of Teqsar and the surrounding area.
"Golden Goat" CJSC operating in Yeghegnadzor procures the milk products produced in the territory of Teqsar. It is the first and still the only one in Armenia that is engaged in the production of goat cheese. Company Director Khachik Martirosyan notes: "Our animals feed from that area. If the mine is opened, all the poison contained there will penetrate into the animals’ body and their milk will become unusable."
Khachik Martirosyan
The beekeepers are also beating an alarm sign. Vernashen resident Zhirayr Minasyan is engaged in beekeeping with his son. They have 107 beehives and say it is their grandfather's occupation, which is also profitable.
Zhirayr Minasyan
Department Head of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Vayots Dzor Regional Municipality states that agriculture accounts for 27-28 percent of the regional GDP according to his calculations. "I calculated that the mining industry will result in 13 million USD a year, and we get 30 million USD in income from agriculture," he outlined.
The article was produced with the financial support of the Media Initiatives Center within the framework of "Expanding Production of Independent Content" grant project.
September 03, 2024 at 18:33