The results of criminal proceedings under investigation and completed as of January 20, 2024, regarding the extraction of sand and gravel mixture in the regional investigative departments of RA Investigative Committee were summarized in Central Department of Supervision of Regional Investigative Department Activities.
According to the press release disseminated by Investigative Committee, the study revealed that in general, 86 criminal proceedings regarding the illegal extraction of sand and sand-gravel mixture were investigated and are still being investigated in the territorial investigative units of RA Criminal Investigation Committee, out of which 14 in Ararat Region, 4 in Aragatsotn Region, 35 in Armavir Region, 16 in Gegharkunik Region, 4 in Tavush Region, 8 in Shirak Region, 4 in Syunik Region, and 1 in Vayots Dzor Region.
According to studies, according to preliminary calculations, the total volume of illegally mined sand and gravel mixture found in these illegal proceedings made up about 1,668,250.6 cubic meters. As a result, according to preliminary data, about 613,387,403 AMD of material damage was caused to the state, out of which 78,481,689 AMD have been recovered so far.
Illegal sand mining carried out in separate zones in the Araks river basin has led to the deterioration of soil quality, as well as a change in the course of the Araks river.
Two of the current criminal proceedings against 3 persons, a public criminal prosecution was initiated, 4 criminal proceedings against 5 persons were sent to the court with an indictment.
February 26, 2024 at 18:09