"Solar Land" LLC intends to build a 5MW solar power plant in Dashtadem Settlement in Talin Community, Aragatsotn Region. The fourth public discussion of the final environmental impact assessment report of the project is scheduled for April 5, 2024, at 12:00 at the residence of Administrative Head of Dashtadem.
According to the project, the area planned for the station is 8.5 hectares, owned by "Solar Land" LLC. "The selected land has neither agricultural nor any other serious value," the report states.
According to the document, the territories lack both rare ecosystems and rare species of animals.
It is planned to install 10,750 solar panels at the station. The operational time guarantee is 25 years
The company estimated environmental costs at 1,800,000 AMD.
Regarding hazardous waste, it says: The company plans to document the waste before it is generated, after which it will be provided to the licensing organization. The generated waste will be collected at the temporary storage of hazardous waste in the area, after which it will be provided to the licensed organization.
It should be noted that the construction of two more solar plants is planned in the Dashtadem settlement, the 5MW Arevik plant of "Sunray" LLC and 200MW "Aig 1" plant of Arabic "Masdar" company, the largest in Armenia.
March 27, 2024 at 14:04