Araqs River, south and south east from Agarak city (2012)

Araqs River, south and south east from Agarak city

Risk Level: 3

Parameter Data Level
V, mkg/l water 116 3
Cr, mkg/l water 515 3
AL, mkg/l water 388 2
Mn, mkg/l water 110 1
Cu, mkg/l water 36 1
Se, mkg/l water 26 1
NO2, mgN/l water 0.015 1

Disastrous Condition
Critical Condition
Normal Condition

Ecological Condition of Araks River In Section from Agarak Towards South and South East – Disastrous


Under the annual report by “Environmental Impact Monitoring Center” for 2012, the average annual maximum permissible concentration of vanadium in the south and south-east of Agarak town exceeded 11.4 and 11.6 times, respectively. In the south-east of Agarak town the average annual maximum permissible concentration of chromium exceeds maximum permissible concentration by 10.3 times. The maximum permissible concentration of aluminum in the samples taken from the Araks River exceeds maximum permissible concentration 6.1-9.7 times, that of chromium – 8.8-9.5 times, manganese – 1.2 - 2.2 times, copper – 2.7-3.6, selenium – 2.4-2.6 times. The maximum permissible concentration of nitrite ion in the south of the Araks River from Agarak town exceeds the MPC 1.5 times. According to “Assessment Model of Ecological Risks” by EcoLur, this is critical conditional for the river, while under the model the exceeding MPCs of manganese, copper, selenium and nitrite ion are within standards.

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Risk Analysis