Dzoraget River above Stepanavan town (2012)
Dzoraget River above Stepanavan town
Risk Level: 3
Parameter | Data | Level |
Cu, mkg/l water | 326 | 3 |
Zn, mkg/l water | 380 | 2 |
Se, mkg/l water | 21 | 1 |
Disastrous Condition | Critical Condition | Normal Condition |
Dzoraget Upwards Stepanavan in Disastrous Condition
Dzoraget River upwards Stepanavan is in disastrous condition. Under the annual report by “Environmental Impact Monitoring Center” SNCO for 2012, the average annual concentration of copper exceeded MPC by 32.6 times, zinc – 7.6, selenium – 2.1. Thus, the concentration of copper in the river made up 326 μg/l, zinc – 380 μg/l and selenium – 21 μg/l.
Under EcoLur’s Ecological Risk Model, the disastrous condition of the Dzoraget River is conditioned with the high concentration of copper.
Dzoraget Turbidity Cause Can’t Be Found
“Stepanavan-1” SHP Project Issued Negative Opinion of Nature Protection Ministry