March 23 - World Meteorology Day

March 23 - World Meteorology Day

March 23 - World Meteorology Day. Since 2004, this day has been celebrated in Armenia as World Meteorology Day.

Each year a special slogan is selected, which reflects any current topic in the field at that time. The motto of Meteorologist's Day 2022 is "Early Warning, Early Action", which emphasizes the importance of meteorological and hydrological information in disaster risk reduction.

A number of meteorological phenomena have a negative impact on climate change. Due to the climate crisis, Armenia has lost more than $ 1.5 billion in recent decades. According to the official website of the UN Office in Armenia, the losses were caused by floods, earthquakes, droughts, hail, spring frosts and floods.

"Strong shocks create huge challenges for national development, they have a negative impact on people, their livelihood and their economy. Recent climate forecasts show that the temperature in the country may rise by 4.7 °C combined with a decrease in average annual precipitation of 8.3% by 2100, which will affect natural systems, water resources, agriculture, food security, health, infrastructure," the press release says.

March 23, 2022 at 18:39
