Use of Wild Animals To Be Banned In Circuses

Use of Wild Animals To Be Banned In Circuses

The use of wild animals in circuses will be banned in Armenia. The new provision was laid down in draft law "On Making Amendments to the Law of the Republic of Armenia "On Fauna". The list of animals is approved by the authorized body of the Republic of Armenia.

The draft substantiation says that the law will regulate, tighten control over the keeping of wild animals in confined and semi-confined conditions.

The draft justification states that the law will regulate, tighten control over the keeping of wild animals in semi-free and semi-free conditions.

In particular, the draft law provides for transitional provisions, according to which keepers of wild animals in captivity (regardless of the existence of a document confirming the acquisition of the wild animal) must appear to the authorized body within 1 year to obtain a permit to keep animals or provide registration data.

Another provision is to set a fee for the use of some species of wildlife. The law will enter into force on January 1, 2023. The draft decision was developed by RA Environment Ministry.


September 16, 2021 at 17:09