3D Model of Dilijan Town Land Tunnel Drawn up at Institute of Geological Sciences of NAS RA

3D Model of Dilijan Town Land Tunnel Drawn up at Institute of Geological Sciences of NAS RA
A study and assessment of the drainage tunnel of Dilijan city was carried out, a three-dimensional model of a land tunnel was developed, on the basis of which anti-landslide measures will be effectively implemented at the Institute of Geological Sciences of NAS RA.
The works were supervised by Mikael Gevorgyan, PhD in Geological Sciences. "Dilijan Town is almost entirely built in a landslide zone. The main reason is that the soils are superhumid and saturated. A three-dimensional model of a land tunnel was developed Based on the results of our research on the basis of which anti-landslide measures were continued," Mikayel Gevorgyan said. The research was commissioned by the Central Bank of Armenia.

February 01, 2022 at 11:46