Developing Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Measures - Priority for Pambak

Developing Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Measures - Priority for Pambak

Pambak village is spread on both banks of the Pambak river. After communal consolidation, it was united with 18 villages forming Pambak community with the same name. This year, the settlements of Pambak community were greatly affected by heavy rains during the summer.

"EcoLur" Informational NGO studied the problems of Pambak community and developed "Problems and proposed measures of implementation of energy and climate resistance policy in Pambak community of Lori Region, Armenia" information module.

Ecolur experts discussed the module with Pambak local government and local active residents. Recommendations have been developed for Pambak local government and governmental agencies.

Developing climate change adaptation and mitigation measures to deal with hazardous hydrometeorological phenomena is a priority for Pambak. EcoLur’s experts suggest that "Hydrometeorology and Monitoring Center" SNCO carry out an analysis of the changes in the climate conditions of the communities and include it in the annual bulletins.

Near-forest Pambak is dependent on the forest: most of the population uses firewood. In order to reduce the pressure on the forest, the locals proposed to install wind power plants and produce biogas in Pambak. Six SHPPs are built on the rivers and their tributaries flowing through the territory of the community.

The local residents emphasized the importance of corporate social responsibility. It was proposed to direct the natural usage fees paid by the HPPs to the implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation, energy saving and energy efficiency, water resources conservation and sustainable use programs in the affected communities.

One of the strengths of Pambak is tourism, whereas its development is facilitated by the climate and nature. The participants of the discussion mentioned that they are ready to support the changes that will contribute to the socio-economic development of the community.

You can familiarize yourself with the results of the studies and the complete set of recommendations in ՛՛Problems and Measures of Implementation of Energy and Climate Resistance Policy in Pambak Community of Lori Region, the Republic of Armenia՛՛ module. 

This module was developed within the framework of "Impacted Communities and Civil Society Organizations as Participants in Introduction of Socio-ecological Culture in Energy and Climate Change Policies in Armenia" project implemented

September 02, 2024 at 18:26