Climate change and measures to combat it are among the key directions of the environmental component of "Living Landscapes for Market Development in Armenia" project (LILA) project. Within the framework of this project, solar photovoltaic systems were installed on the roofs of public buildings in beneficiary settlements of Tavush, Vayots Dzor, Lori and Syunik Regions in Armenia. In Shatin, a ground-mounted solar plant with an installed capacity of 40 kW was put into operation. Energy-efficient renovation works of administrative buildings of several settlements were carried out. Beneficiary settlements of Vayots Dzor and Syunik received mobile hybrid solar plants. It is planned to implement the works of improving the pastures and increasing the fire safety of the forests.
These measures are aimed at mitigating climate change and increasing adaptation.
The largest share of greenhouse gas emissions in Armenia belongs to the Energy sector, which makes up 64% of the total CO2 emissions.
"For the production of 1 kWh of electricity in RA, approximately 0.4 kg of carbon dioxide is generated. When we install solar plants or carry out thermal insulation works, we prevent the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere," noted Khachik Sahakyan, expert of LILA project and Director of "Armenian Center for Green Technologies" Foundation.
According to him, the installation of solar plants within the framework of the LILA program is in line with the policy of the RA government in the field of energy.
"Appropriate technologies should be developed so that the additional electricity produced during the day or summer can be stored for use at night or in the winter, so that problems do not arise in the energy system. Even in the event of a power supply failure, we will have stored energy. We are currently carrying out such works, we are trying to solve this issue by using different technologies," he said.
According to the expert, the development of solar energy is possible even in the regions of Armenia with few sunny days.
In general, the wise use of solar energy will not only reduce energy poverty, but also contribute to socio-economic reforms.
Living Landscapes for Market Development in Armenia" project is funded by the Swiss government through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). It is implemented by WWF Armenia together with “Strategic Development Agency” NGO in partnership with “EcoLur” Informational NGO.
April 03, 2024 at 12:50