Three solar power plants have been built in RA Vayots Dzor Regionout of which eight ones are being built according to RA Public Services Regulatory Commission. On what lands are the stations built, is it planned how the problems of using, recycling or storing decommissioned solar panels as waste will be settled, what assistance do the companies operating or preparing to provide to the affected settlements? In response to EcoLur’s questions Vayots Dzor Regional Head Ararat Grigoryan’s letter says, “
We provide you with information on 8 solar power plants built in the communities (settlements) of the region currently under construction.
"CLEAN ENERGY" LLC, "VAYOTS AREV" station is located in the administrative territory of Zedea settlement in Vayq community, 2.4 hectares of land have been allocated for construction.
"CLEAN ENERGY" LLC, "Vayots Arev-1" station is located in the administrative territory of Zedea settlement in Vayq community, 6.8 hectares of land have been allocated for construction.
"AREVADZOR" PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER PLANT LLC, "Arjadzor" station is located in the administrative territory of Gladzor settlement of Yeghegnadzor community, 3 hectares of land have been allocated for construction.
- "AREG ENERGIA" LLC, "Areg" and "AREG ENERGIA" LLC, "Areg-2" stations are located in Saravan settlement of Vayq community, 7,8184 hectares of land have been provided for construction.
- "ET SOLAR" LLC, "ET Solar" station is located in the administrative territory of Azatek settlement of Vayq community, 5 hectares of land have been allocated for construction.
- "AYSOLAR" LLC, "Aysolar" station is located in the administrative territory of Herher settlement of Vayq community, 5 hectares of land has been allocated for construction.
- "DUSTR SOLAR" LLC, "Dustr Solar" station is located in the administrative territory of Herher settlement of Vayk community, 5 hectares of land have been allocated for construction.
- "ARM SOLAR" LLC, "Arm Solar" station is located in the administrative territory of Herher settlement of Vayq community, 5 hectares of land has been allocated for construction.
- "SUN SOLAR", "Sun Solar" station is located in the administrative territory of Herher settlement of Vayq community, 5 hectares of land has been allocated for construction.
50.0184 hectares of land have been allocated for the construction of the above-mentioned solar stations, out of which 47.0184 hectares are of agricultural significance.
Solar panels are made of high-quality silicon, which after 10-15 years can be recycled and used as a raw material for glass. The constructions of the solar stations are made of aluminum, which can be used after further processing.
The communities operating or preparing to operate a solar power plant in the region are preparing to implement assistance programs to improve the socio-economic situation in the affected areas.”
April 21, 2022 at 11:41