Hearings in Lori Berd and Gyulagarak on Construction of "LoriBerd-2" SHPP by "Lorva Amrots"

Hearings in Lori Berd and Gyulagarak on Construction of "LoriBerd-2" SHPP by "Lorva Amrots"

"Lorva Amrots" LLC has submitted to Environment Ministry the preliminary environmental impact assessment (EIA) application of "Loribird-2" small hydropower plant construction project. The company plans to hold the second public discussion on the application on March 21 at 12:00 in Lori Berd, and at 14:30 in Gyulagarak settlements, Lori Region.

According to the project presented by the company, "Loribird-2" HPP will have a capacity of 26.7 MW, the average annual output of electricity will be 110.09 kWh, and the estimated water output will be 16 cubic meters per second. The construction of the HPP is planned to be completed within 4 years. The HPP will have a 10,245 m long and 2.8 m diameter pressure pipeline.

It should be noted that "Lorva Amrots" LLC intends to build two small hydropower plants "Loribird-1" and "Loribird-2" on the Dzoraget River. On January 31, 2023, RA Administrative Court upheld the claim filed by "Lorva Amrots" LLC against RA Government. According to the decision of RA Administrative Court, the Dzoraget River should be removed from the list of rivers defined by the decision of RA Government, on which it is forbidden to issue a water use permit for the construction of a small hydropower plant.

We learn from the company's court case against the Government that the court act was appealed and sent to the Administrative Appeals Court on March 6.

March 09, 2023 at 15:38