"Ayg-1" Solar Station To Be Constructed in Talin and Dashtadem Pastures

"Ayg-1" Solar Station To Be Constructed in Talin and Dashtadem Pastures

The public discussions (4th stage) of environmental impact assessment report for the construction of 200-MW "Aig-1" solar plant will take place on April 12, 2023, at 12:00 p.m., at the residence of the administrative head of Dashtadem settlement, and then at 2:00 p.m., at the municipal hall of Talin consolidated community.

"Aig-1" solar plant will be built in the administrative areas of Talin and Dashtadem settlements of Talin enlarged community, Aragatsotn Region. The power plant will occupy 547.31 hectares of land.

For the purpose of building the station, 169.8614 hectares owned by Talin Community, Aragatsotn Region, and 377.4495 hectares owned by Dashtadem community were donated to the Republic of Armenia, after which the properties were added to the charter capital of "National Interest Fund of Armenia" CJSC, which has a 15% share in "Masdar Armenia" company implementing the project and responsible for the construction of "Aig-1" photovoltaic station. 85 percent of the shares belong to "Masdar" company.

According to the EIA report, the requested area is a barren plot with practically no vegetation. "The requested area is mainly a pasture. It is used by a part of the community only for grazing their livestock, but due to the lack of vegetation, the value of grazing is very minimal,” the report states.

During the implementation of the project, a socio-economic study was also carried out in 80 households of beneficiary communities in Talin, Dashtadem, Ashnak, Katnaghbyur settlements. According to the results of the survey, 80% of farmers use the pastures that are the Project area.

 According to the document, only 157 hectares of the area will be damaged during the construction of the station's modules, auxiliary buildings, construction site and roads. The volume of the removed fertile layer will be 14950 cubic meters. It will be stored at the edge of the solar plant area, in a specially equipped warehouse. After the construction work is completed, the construction camps must be dismantled and the landscape must be restored.

The construction of "Aig-1" station is planned to be completed in 2025. The station will operate for 25 years.

The number of workers in the construction works of the station will be 249 on average and 668 at the maximum. According to preliminary estimates, the permanent staff will make up 10-12 people.


After the service life of the modules expires during the operation phase or in case of their damage, these modules will be dismantled. The waste of the specified modules is not included in the list approved by the decree of RA Minister of Nature Protection /currently Environment/ 26.10.2006 N342. Waste quantities can be determined based on actual data during plant operation. Based on data analysis, a waste passport will be drawn up and submitted to RA Ministry of Environment for approval. The further use/application/utilization of the solar modules will be carried out on the basis of RA legislative regulations in force at the end of the operation," the report states.

According to the report, it is planned to install 450,000 double-sided panels with a capacity of 550-620 W. It should be noted that according to the preliminary environmental impact assessment application for the construction of "Aig-1" solar plant, it was planned to install 500,000 panels.

The economic loss from the emissions arising during the construction of "Aig-1" solar plant is estimated at 735 thousand 689 AMD.

Community Development Program

A Community Development Program (CDP) is being developed within "Aig-1" program. In order to compensate the residents who lost their pastures, within the framework of the Project, measures will be implemented to restore the living conditions of local communities. According to the report, 600,000 USD will be allocated to Talin and Dashtadem communities for social development projects.

The company also plans to implement the following mitigation measures:

- Green the damaged areas, repair the entrance roads, the workers' camp, plant local plant species in the area. The event is included in the construction costs.

- Organize a protective green zone around the solar plant. This will be allocated $30,000 and will be implemented after the construction phase.

- Removal/replanting of native grass/shrub species at tower sites. The measure will be implemented during the construction phase, $30,000 has been allocated.

- Development of a waste management plan within the framework of Management Plan. $5,000 has been earmarked for this event.

March 31, 2023 at 15:49