Dashtadem settlement, Aragatsotn Region, is vulnerable to climate change. Frequent droughts and water scarcity are observed in the settlement. Lands are being degraded, whereas farming has become unprofitable. On the other hand, thanks to the long sunny days, Dashtadem has favorable conditions for the development of solar energy. The largest solar photovoltaic station in Armenia is being built here.
What are benefits and problems of the development of solar energy in Dashtadem, how is the water problem solved, what is Dashtadem's tourist business card? EcoLur's new video covers all these questions.
The video was primed within the framework of “Impacted communities and civil society organizations as participants in the introduction of socio-ecological culture in the energy and climate change policies of Armenia” project implemented by "EcoLur" Informational NGO. The project is implemented with the support of UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme and “EU4Climate” regional project
October 27, 2023 at 12:28