On July 26, 2023, RA Environment Ministry issued a negative conclusion to the preliminary environmental impact assessment (EIA) application filed by "Global Progress Mining" LLC for the extraction of minerals in Ayriget mineral field of Sisian mineral region, Syunik Region.
Ayriget mineral field is located in Sisian area, Syunik Region. The area to be studied should have occupied an area of about 1495.7 hectares. The nearest settlements are: Dastakert settlement (at a distance of 2 km or more), Nzhdeh and Tsghuni villages.
According to the negative conclusion issued by the Ministry, the western site of the requested area is combined with the territory of "Zangezur" state reserve.
"The submitted application says that "no endemic species registered in the RA Red Book were found within the study area", but over 8 red-listed plant species registered in Armenia are known from the adjacent areas of the requested site.
The preliminary assessment application states, “16 mammal species are identified in the literature for the study area. No red-listed species were observed."
Meanwhile, according to the Red Book of Animals of the Republic of Armenia, the area ofthe Armenian mouflon includes the mountain ranges of Bargushat and Zangezur (to the south of the Dastakert village, Syunik Region). Based on the above and considering Article 18 of RA Law on Animal World, any activity that will lead to the reduction of the number of red-listed species in Armenia and the deterioration of their habitats is prohibited, the implementation of geological survey works for the purpose of soil management in the area requested by the Company is considered inappropriate." the negative conclusion of Environment Ministry says.
August 23, 2023 at 18:25