S.O.S. Fires: Press Conference at EcoLur Press Club

S.O.S. Fires: Press Conference at EcoLur Press Club


It is announced high readiness for fire situations because of extremely hot weather. Whether fire – hazard situation monitoring is carried out in forests and in agricultural lands, and what is the situation? Is there a trend of increasing fire areas? What measures are taken to prevent the risk of fire outbreak in rest areas? How many forests have been damaged due to fire and how the “ArmForest” SNCO is going to compensate damage? Are there people who suffered from fire? "EcoLur" Press Club will host Vrezh Gabrielyan, Major General and Deputy Director of Rescue Service of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations and Ruben Petrosyan, Chief Ranger of "ArmForest" SNCO, who will answer all these questions. The press conference will be held on July 2 at 12: 00 pm at "EcoLur" Press Club.

July 01, 2015 at 14:57

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