Lake Sevan Level Gradually Decreasing Thus Recording Negative Balance

Lake Sevan Level Gradually Decreasing Thus Recording Negative Balance

Lake Sevan has been recording a negative balance for 2 years now. In 2021, the lake level dropped by 9 cm from 1900.52 m and was 1900.43 m. As of December 29, 2022, the level of the lake is 1900.28 m, which is 15 cm lower than the indicator of the same day last year, 1900.43 m. It turns out that compared to 2020, the lake level dropped by 24 cm in two years.

It is noteworthy that the decrease in the lake level in 2021 was due to additional water intake among various factors. 227.651 million cubic meters of water was taken from the lake, out of which the additional water intake was 57.651 million cubic meters. Meanwhile, 165.063 million cubic meters of water were released from the lake in 2022, less than the maximum amount of 170 million cubic meters laid down in the law, and 162.576 million cubic meters of water flowed into the lake through the Arpa-Sevan canal since the beginning of the year, but the level of the lake did not rise.

The decline in the lake level is accompanied by the deterioration of the water quality of the lake, the indicator of which is the bloom of the lake with blue-green algae. The decrease in the lake level is caused both by the intake of water and by the lack of precipitation, by the lack of water in the rivers flowing into Lake Sevan.

Reminder: according to Law "On approving the annual and comprehensive program of measures for the restoration, conservation, reproduction and use of Lake Sevan ecosystem", Lake Sevan should rise by 21.6 cm per year. In 2030, the lake level should cross 1903 m. However, every year the level of the lake registers a larger negative balance.

December 29, 2022 at 15:27