Around 150 Million Cum Water Let out of Lake Sevan, Lake Level Decreased by 10 Cm

Around 150 Million Cum Water Let out of Lake Sevan, Lake Level Decreased by 10 Cm


As of 24 July, the level of Lake Sevan has decreased by 10 cm: already 149.828 million cum water has been taken out of Lake Sevan, out of which 0.741 million cum is non-regulated leak. The lake reached its highest peak in June – 1900.91 meters, while as of 24 June, the lake level was 1900.81 meters.

Reminder: according to the official document entitled ‘Forecasting 2017 Spring Flooding Elements in the Rivers in the Republic of Armenia’ drawn up by RA Ministry for Emergency States, it was forecast for April 2017 that the level of Lake Sevan would reach up to 1901 meters by July. ‘Based on the weather forecasts and river flow forecasts flowing into Lake Sevan, the amount of the water to be transferred into Lake Sevan through 8 aqueducts – 130 million cum, magnitudes of lake surface evaporization and water intake from the lake for the irrigation purposes – 170 million cum, as of 1 April 2017 it’s forecast to have lake level increase by 42-47 cm (in the ranges of 1900.95-1901.00 meters), while as of 31 December 2017 the lake level is forecast to be within the ranges of 1900.71-1900.76 meters, which will be +25....+30 cm more as compared with 1 January 2017,’ the document says.

Actually, 80.018 million cum water has flown into Lake Sevan through Arpa-Sevan aqueduct, while the water intake from Lake Sevan in 2017 will make up 270 million cum instead of 170 million cum. How many centimetres will Sevan rise in 2017 and whether its level will rise at all, this is a question the answer to which is still not known.

What we know that as of 24 July the level of Lake Sevan is higher than that of the last year by 7 cm. It’s also known that it’s been estimated to raise the lake level for the sustainability of Lake Sevan ecosystem by 1905 meters taking into consideration the height of the wave as well.

July 24, 2017 at 16:00