"EU GP RESOURCES" LLC plans to conduct geological studies in the area of Martz gold-polymetallic mines in Martziget mineral field, Lori Region. For this purpose, the company in 2022. The first public hearing was initiated on June 2, at 12:00 in the administrative building of Martz settlement, Tumanyan enlarged community. The information about this was published in "Hayastani Hanrapetutyun" daily, as www.cvmedia.am website informs.
It should be noted that there is no information about this activity on the official website of Tumanyan Municipality. It is noteworthy that the Tumanyan municipality was also unaware of the public hearings scheduled for March. The head of Tumanyan community Suren Tumanyan mentioned in his conversation with EcoLur, "I am aware that they came to meet with the people, but they did not give us any information about the hearings. They have not officially applied to us."
It should be noted that Martz residential settlement was included in the second phase of "Support to the creation of ecological corridors in the South Caucasus" project implemented by the Armenian branch of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF-Armenia) and funded by the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of the Federal Republic of Germany through KfW Bank. However, the idea of an eco-corridor and mining are not compatible activities.
If Martz residents agree to the opening of a mine in their area, they will be deprived of the opportunity to become part of this great program and, consequently, to receive financial assistance. WWF-Armenia Director Karen Manvelyan responded to EcoLur's question as to what extent the possible operation of the mine in Martz village may hinder the existence of the eco-corridor. "If we come to sign a contract, one of the points says that if a metal mine suddenly opens, we have the right to take back all our investments and stop our support."
May 18, 2022 at 18:36