We, the participants of the second phase of "Support to Establishment of Ecological Corridors in South Caucasus" project and "Living Landscapes for Market Development in Armenia" project, are against the implementation of geological survey by "Mendia Resources" LLC in polymetallic mining site in Vardenis, Vayots Dzor Region.
In our opinion, it presents risks for the implementation of the projects and endangers the green development of the target communities.
The map of WWF Armenia clearly shows that the territory of the mining project partially coincides with the territory of one of the eco-corridors established within the framework of these projects.
The abovementioned two projects are implemented by WWF Armenia. "Support to Establishment of Ecological Corridors in South Caucasus"-II project is financed by the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development of the Federal Republic of Germany (BMZ) through the KfW bank. "Living Landscapes for Market Development in Armenia" project is funded by the Swiss government through the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
The project filed by "Mendia Resources" LLC not only endangers the implementation of the above-mentioned projects, but also contradicts the requirements of Article 26 (3) of RA Mining Code: "The use of individual subsoil sites is prohibited in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia from the point of view of ensuring national security, human life and health, historical and cultural values or the protection of nature and the environment, if there are plants or animal habitats red-listed in Armenia on the plot located on the requested subsoil site, as also if animal migration routes pass through the given area.”
WWF Armenia
“EcoLur” Informational NGO
“NGO Center” Civil Society Development NGO
“Center for Dilijan Youth Cooperation” NGO
“Work and Motherland” Territorial Development NGO
October 14, 2022 at 10:34