Administrative Proceedings Initiated in Regard with Works Conducted in Geghanush Tailing Dump

Administrative Proceedings Initiated in Regard with Works Conducted in Geghanush Tailing Dump

RA Environmental Protection and Mining Inspection Body initiated administrative proceedings regarding the works being carried out at Geghanush tailing dump operated by "Chaarat Kapan" CJSC located in Syunik Region. The inspection body informed EcoLur that the proceedings were initiated on the basis of the video and alarm published by "Iravater Kapantsiner" Environmental NGO.

 It should be noted that Hasmik Harutyunyan, Press Secretary of Kapan Municipality, told EcoLur that dam reinforcement being carried out in the area of Geghanush tailing dump.

RA Urban Development, Technical and Fire Safety Inspection Authority informed EcoLur, "The fertile layer of soil is being moved on the plot belonging to the company, which is a function that does not require a building permit. Kapan Municipality has given its consent to plan further development in the area for the earth moving works of that volume, as well as to further reinforce Geghanush tailing dump," Elena Zohrabyan, Head of Inspection Body's Information, Consultation and Public Affairs Department noted. 

March 23, 2023 at 10:54